Friday, May 29, 2015

Hi all,

Here is an update on the Crystal Ball Challenge.  We are a little over a third of the way through the season.

Prediction Pace Differential
Team Owner Wins Runs Wins Runs Wins Runs
Houston Inner Strength aisosa212 115 1020 114 1059 -1 39
Louisville Lugnuts bigmattr 112   123 1063 11  
Texas Apocalypse oakman310 98 900 102 841 4 -59
San Francisco Alpha Flight goldgreen 93 800 69 712 -24 -88
Sioux Falls Cyclones thebigdogs 92 730 92 788 0 58
Ottawa Onslaught aaronbrown99  88 795 104 883 16 88
Atlanta Braves txvbcoach 88 770 77 820 -11 50
Sacramento Sabercats tomcecil  88 800 71 1063 -17 263
Columbus Carnage littlejim 80 760 83 893 3 133
Baltimore Flash jfuchs31 80 700 88 859 8 159
Durham Bulls bradriddell 78 711 48 692 -30 -19
Cincinnati Hamilton Flyers redsfan24 72 730 46 670 -26 -60
Arizona Aztecs purplehaze54 65 683 74 739 9 56
Average 88 783 84 852 -4 52

So far, as a group, we were a little too optimistic.   On average, our teams are on pace to generate 4 fewer wins than we expected.

Here are some mid-season awards:

Mr. Accurate:  thebigdogs  -- His team is exactly on pace for his prediction of 92 wins.  Aisosa212 is right behind him with only a 1 game difference.

Mr. Disappointed:  bradriddell.  Brad expected his team to win 78 but, thus far, his team is only pace to 48 games. Goldgreen and Redsfan24 are not far behind.

Mr. Pleasantly Surprised:  aaronbrown99.    He expected only 88 wins the season but his team is on pace to 104. 

There is a long way to go yet so ... don't go spending all the money quite yet, thebigdogs.

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