Sunday, June 21, 2015

Here is update on the Crystal Ball Challenge.  Littlejim, jfuchs31, and the bigdogs look to be in the best shape. Good luck everyone!

Prediction Pace Differential
Team Owner Wins Runs Wins Runs Wins Runs
Houston Inner Strength aisosa212 115 1020 110 1026 -5 6
Louisville Lugnuts bigmattr 112   122 1075 10  
Texas Apocalypse oakman310 98 900 91 849 -7 -51
San Francisco Alpha Flight goldgreen 93 800 78 664 -15 -136
Sioux Falls Cyclones thebigdogs 92 730 90 795 -2 65
Ottawa Onslaught aaronbrown99  88 795 95 801 7 6
Atlanta Braves txvbcoach 88 770 81 791 -7 21
Sacramento Sabercats tomcecil  88 800 75 848 -13 48
Columbus Carnage littlejim 80 760 81 675 1 -85
Baltimore Flash jfuchs31 80 700 81 737 1 37
Durham Bulls bradriddell 78 711 53 653 -25 -58
Cincinnati Hamilton Flyers redsfan24 72 730 51 866 -21 136
Arizona Aztecs purplehaze54 65 683 76 718 11 35
Average 88 783 83 807 -5 2