Friday, May 29, 2015

Hi all,

Here is an update on the Crystal Ball Challenge.  We are a little over a third of the way through the season.

Prediction Pace Differential
Team Owner Wins Runs Wins Runs Wins Runs
Houston Inner Strength aisosa212 115 1020 114 1059 -1 39
Louisville Lugnuts bigmattr 112   123 1063 11  
Texas Apocalypse oakman310 98 900 102 841 4 -59
San Francisco Alpha Flight goldgreen 93 800 69 712 -24 -88
Sioux Falls Cyclones thebigdogs 92 730 92 788 0 58
Ottawa Onslaught aaronbrown99  88 795 104 883 16 88
Atlanta Braves txvbcoach 88 770 77 820 -11 50
Sacramento Sabercats tomcecil  88 800 71 1063 -17 263
Columbus Carnage littlejim 80 760 83 893 3 133
Baltimore Flash jfuchs31 80 700 88 859 8 159
Durham Bulls bradriddell 78 711 48 692 -30 -19
Cincinnati Hamilton Flyers redsfan24 72 730 46 670 -26 -60
Arizona Aztecs purplehaze54 65 683 74 739 9 56
Average 88 783 84 852 -4 52

So far, as a group, we were a little too optimistic.   On average, our teams are on pace to generate 4 fewer wins than we expected.

Here are some mid-season awards:

Mr. Accurate:  thebigdogs  -- His team is exactly on pace for his prediction of 92 wins.  Aisosa212 is right behind him with only a 1 game difference.

Mr. Disappointed:  bradriddell.  Brad expected his team to win 78 but, thus far, his team is only pace to 48 games. Goldgreen and Redsfan24 are not far behind.

Mr. Pleasantly Surprised:  aaronbrown99.    He expected only 88 wins the season but his team is on pace to 104. 

There is a long way to go yet so ... don't go spending all the money quite yet, thebigdogs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Crystal Ball Challenge

You guys are awesome.  I'm really excited we were able to get 13 people in on the fun.  So with $65 in pool money, the winner will get $32.50 and we have $32.50 in incentives to recruit new owners.

Here is the summary of everyone's entries.  Good luck!